.. engineio documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sat Jun 13 23:41:23 2015. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Getting Started =============== What is Engine.IO? ------------------ Engine.IO is a lightweight transport protocol that enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication between clients (typically, though not always, web browsers) and a server. The official implementations of the client and server components are written in JavaScript. This package provides Python implementations of both, each with standard and ``asyncio`` variants. The Engine.IO protocol is extremely simple. Once a connection between a client and a server is established, either side can send "messages" to the other side. Event handlers provided by the applications on both ends are invoked when a message is received, or when a connection is established or dropped. Client Examples --------------- The example that follows shows a simple Python client:: import engineio eio = engineio.Client() @eio.on('connect') def on_connect(): print('connection established') @eio.on('message') def on_message(data): print('message received with ', data) eio.send({'response': 'my response'}) @eio.on('disconnect') def on_disconnect(): print('disconnected from server') eio.connect('http://localhost:5000') eio.wait() And here is a similar client written using the official Engine.IO Javascript client:: Client Features --------------- - Can connect to other Engine.IO complaint servers besides the one in this package. - Compatible with Python 3.6+. - Two versions of the client, one for standard Python and another for ``asyncio``. - Uses an event-based architecture implemented with decorators that hides the details of the protocol. - Implements HTTP long-polling and WebSocket transports. Server Examples --------------- The following application is a basic example that uses the Eventlet asynchronous server:: import engineio import eventlet eio = engineio.Server() app = engineio.WSGIApp(eio, static_files={ '/': {'content_type': 'text/html', 'filename': 'index.html'} }) @eio.on('connect') def connect(sid, environ): print("connect ", sid) @eio.on('message') def message(sid, data): print("message ", data) eio.send(sid, 'reply') @eio.on('disconnect') def disconnect(sid): print('disconnect ', sid) if __name__ == '__main__': eventlet.wsgi.server(eventlet.listen(('', 5000)), app) Below is a similar application, coded for asyncio and the Uvicorn web server:: import engineio import uvicorn eio = engineio.AsyncServer() app = engineio.ASGIApp(eio, static_files={ '/': {'content_type': 'text/html', 'filename': 'index.html'} }) @eio.on('connect') def connect(sid, environ): print("connect ", sid) @eio.on('message') async def message(sid, data): print("message ", data) await eio.send(sid, 'reply') @eio.on('disconnect') def disconnect(sid): print('disconnect ', sid) if __name__ == '__main__': uvicorn.run('', 5000) Server Features --------------- - Can accept clients running other complaint Engine.IO clients besides the one in this package. - Compatible with Python 3.6+. - Two versions of the server, one for standard Python and another for ``asyncio``. - Supports large number of clients even on modest hardware due to being asynchronous. - Can be hosted on any `WSGI `_ and `ASGI `_ web servers includind `Gunicorn `_, `Uvicorn `_, `eventlet `_ and `gevent `_. - Can be integrated with WSGI applications written in frameworks such as Flask, Django, etc. - Can be integrated with `aiohttp `_, `sanic `_ and `tornado `_ ``asyncio`` applications. - Uses an event-based architecture implemented with decorators that hides the details of the protocol. - Implements HTTP long-polling and WebSocket transports. - Supports XHR2 and XHR browsers as clients. - Supports text and binary messages. - Supports gzip and deflate HTTP compression. - Configurable CORS responses to avoid cross-origin problems with browsers.